An otolaryngologist is an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) physician with specialist training in both the medical and surgical management of diseases and disorders of the ears, nose and throat. While all ENT physicians start with training in a broad range of ENT disorders, many will choose to focus their practice in certain specialized areas. There are a number of more specialized areas within the umbrella of general ENT: rhinology (nose/sinus), allergy, facial plastic surgery, pediatric ENT, head & neck oncology, otology (ear), and sleep medicine.
An Otolaryngic Allergist is an ENT physician who has decided to add specialized fellowship training to their general ENT qualifications. In addition to being Board Certified as an Otolaryngologist, Dr Brown completed his Otolaryngic Allergy fellowship in 1993, and managed the Allergy Clinic at Southwestern Ear, Nose and Throat for over 25 years. He continues to have an active interest in providing specialist care for patients with allergy and sinus disorders.